A股IPO: Slow Start After Reopening, Focus on Innovation and Audit Scrutiny

Meta Description: The A-share IPO market has reopened after a long pause, but the pace is slow. This article examines the factors behind the cautious approach, including new regulations, heightened scrutiny of innovation and audit work, and the impact on the market.

The A-share IPO market has begun to stir back to life after a prolonged period of inactivity, but the initial momentum is lacking. While the "Nine Measures" reform has brought about the reopening, the number of new IPO applications remains limited. This article delves into the reasons behind this cautious approach, analyzing the impact of new regulations, the stringent scrutiny of innovation and audit work, and the overall effect on the market.

We'll be dissecting the following:

  • The slow pace of new IPO applications: Why are companies hesitant to jump into the market?
  • The heightened scrutiny of innovation: How are regulators assessing the innovative capabilities of potential IPO applicants?
  • The emphasis on audit work: What are the implications of the stricter examination of audit work for companies seeking IPO?
  • The overall impact on the market: What are the long-term effects of these changes on the A-share IPO landscape?

Let's dive in!

A Cautious Reopening: The Slow Pace of New IPO Applications

Two months after the reopening of the A-share IPO market, the number of new applications remains surprisingly low. As of today, only one IPO application has been received by each of the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges. The same is true for the Beijing Stock Exchange, which saw a flurry of 28 applications in late June but has seen no new submissions since.

This slow pace of new applications can be attributed to several factors, including:

  • New Regulations: The implementation of the "Nine Measures" reform has introduced a new set of rules and regulations for IPOs, requiring companies to meet more stringent criteria. This has created uncertainty and a period of adaptation for both companies and their advisors.
  • Market Conditions: The performance of the secondary market, which remains volatile, is a significant consideration for companies considering an IPO. The current market environment may be perceived as less favorable for IPOs, leading companies to adopt a wait-and-see approach.
  • The "Catch-up" Effect: Many companies are still in the process of completing their preparatory work, including the guidance and verification process required for IPO applications. The number of new applications is likely to increase as more companies complete these steps.

While the "Nine Measures" have ushered in a new era for A-share IPOs, the initial stages are marked by a sense of caution. Companies are carefully assessing their readiness in light of the stricter regulations and the market conditions, resulting in a slower-than-expected pace of new submissions.

The Spotlight on Innovation: Scrutinizing Companies' Cutting-Edge Capabilities

One of the key changes introduced by the "Nine Measures" is a heightened emphasis on innovation. Regulators are now placing greater scrutiny on the innovative capabilities of companies seeking to go public. This includes a thorough examination of:

  • The nature of the company's innovation: Is the company truly innovative, or is it merely claiming to be so?
  • The depth of the company's technological expertise: Does the company have a strong track record of technological development?
  • The strength of the company's intellectual property: Does the company hold key patents or other intellectual property that provides a competitive edge?

The exchanges are actively questioning companies about their innovative capabilities, seeking to understand the true nature of their technological contributions. For example, the Beijing Stock Exchange has posed questions to companies like Dingjia Precision about their core competencies and competitive advantages, and Kunlun Lian Tong about their technological competitiveness and potential for disruption.

This increased focus on innovation is a positive development for the A-share IPO market. It ensures that only companies with genuine innovative capabilities and a commitment to technological advancement are able to access public markets. This, in turn, helps to create a more robust and dynamic market that attracts investment and drives economic growth.

The Importance of Audit Work: Ensuring Transparency and Integrity

The "Nine Measures" have also led to a stricter examination of audit work, with regulators placing a greater emphasis on the transparency and integrity of financial reporting. This includes:

  • The verification of financial data: Regulators are meticulously checking the accuracy and completeness of companies' financial statements.
  • The review of audit procedures: Regulators are closely examining the audit procedures used by accounting firms to ensure that they are rigorous and comprehensive.
  • The assessment of audit independence: Regulators are scrutinizing the independence of audit firms and their relationship with the companies they audit.

The recent suspension of three companies seeking to list on the Beijing Stock Exchange highlights the importance of audit work. These companies were forced to halt their IPO process after their audit firm, Tianzhi International, was penalized for misconduct.

The heightened scrutiny of audit work is essential to maintain the integrity of the A-share IPO market. It helps to ensure that investors have access to accurate and reliable financial information, fostering a more trustworthy and transparent investment environment.

The Impact on the Market: Long-Term Implications of the "Nine Measures"

The "Nine Measures" are ushering in a new era for the A-share IPO market, one characterized by a greater focus on innovation, transparency, and accountability. These reforms are likely to have a significant impact on the market over the long term, leading to:

  • A more selective IPO market: Only companies with genuine innovative capabilities and strong financial performance will be able to access public markets. This will create a more robust and dynamic market that attracts long-term investors.
  • A more transparent and trustworthy market: The increased scrutiny of audit work will ensure that investors have access to accurate and reliable financial information, fostering a more trustworthy and transparent investment environment.
  • A stronger and more resilient market: The reforms are aimed at creating a more sustainable and resilient IPO market that can withstand economic shocks and market volatility.

While the "Nine Measures" have introduced a period of uncertainty and adjustment, they are ultimately designed to improve the quality and integrity of the A-share IPO market. The changes will lead to a more robust and resilient market that attracts a wider range of investors and fosters long-term growth.


Q: Why is the A-share IPO market reopening after a long pause?

A: The reopening is driven by the “Nine Measures” reform, which aims to enhance the quality and integrity of the market.

Q: What are the key changes introduced by the "Nine Measures"?

A: The reforms focus on several areas, including stricter regulations for IPOs, greater emphasis on innovation, enhanced scrutiny of audit work, and improved corporate governance.

Q: What are the reasons for the slow pace of new IPO applications?

A: The slow pace is attributed to several factors, including the new regulations, market conditions, and the time required for companies to complete the guidance and verification process.

Q: How is the focus on innovation impacting IPO applicants?

A: Regulators are now placing greater scrutiny on the innovative capabilities of companies seeking to go public, examining the nature of their innovation, their technological expertise, and the strength of their intellectual property.

Q: What is the significance of the increased scrutiny of audit work?

A: The heightened focus on audit work is essential to maintain the integrity of the market and ensure that investors have access to accurate and reliable financial information.

Q: What are the long-term implications of the "Nine Measures" for the A-share IPO market?

A: The reforms are expected to lead to a more selective, transparent, and resilient market that attracts a wider range of investors and fosters long-term growth.


The A-share IPO market is entering a new chapter, defined by a renewed focus on innovation, transparency, and accountability. While the initial stages of the reopening have been marked by a cautious approach, the long-term implications of the "Nine Measures" are positive. The reforms are setting the stage for a more sophisticated and robust market that will attract a wider range of investors and drive sustainable growth for the Chinese economy.